Global Standards.

By prioritizing the comprehensive well-being of your staff, you enable them to achieve greater levels of efficiency. Our standards foster growth, adaptability, unity, communication, morale, and overall wellness. Companies that actively pursue our ten global standards are characterized by high-performing, motivated, and committed employees, guided by inspiring leadership.


Company Dialect

Foster mental wellness through company dialect.

Time Boundaries

Set and reinforce time boundaries.


Validate company-esteem and performance.

Personal Time Off

Cultivate an affirming personal time off environment.

Systemic Dialogue

Encourage and practice effective dialogue systemically.

Growth Environment

Embrace a people-centric approach.

Wellness Modeling

Model self-maintenance through company initiatives

Person-Centered Normalization

Expect and normalize success fatigue.

Effective Leadership

Conduct empathetic leadership.

Social Inclusivity

Endorse and commemorate inclusivity.


What’s your global score?

Does your company meet these global standards? Find out your global score and see how your company ranks in maintaining a person-centered environment.